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 Anna Atkins          Anna Atkins          Eadweard Muybridge (Smithsonian Institution) cyanotype proof from Animal Locamotion Series. 1884 through 1856   

Cyanotype is photography without a camera. It is one the first alternative photographic processes invented in the mid-eighteen-hundreds.

Anna Atkins, in 1843 used cyanotypes and published "British Algea: Cyanotype Impressions". Her images where not only scientific based, but revealed a unique artistry.

Cyanotypes made over one-hundred years ago are still as bright and clear as they where when they were originally made. Our Cyanotype paper products are made with 100% cotton watercolor paper; the images you print today are archival and will have the same quality a hundred years from now. 

Cyanotype products allow photographers to make their own beautiful prints without having to mix and treat the materials themselves. 

little girl on car cyanotype


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8" X 10" cyanotype paper (yellow) 8" X 10" cyanotype paper (white)
Our price: $24.95
Our price: $20.95
8" X 10" cyanotype paper (violet) 8" X 10" cyanotype paper (red)
Our price: $24.95
Our price: $24.95
8" x 10" cyanotype paper (mixed color) 8" X 10" cyanotype paper (green)
Our price: $24.95
Our price: $24.95
6" x 6" cyanotype paper (white) 5" x 7" cyanotype paper (white)
Our price: $13.95
Our price: $13.95
5" x 7" cyanotype paper (red) 5" x 7" cyanotype paper (mixed color)
Our price: $15.95
Our price: $15.95
26" x 30" cyanotype paper sheets (white) 11" x 14" cyanotype paper (white)
Our price: $17.95
Our price: $45.95
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